Helping People Like You Become The Heroes Of Their Story

Join individuals just like you from all over the country who learned how to improve their lives, find their purpose, and become a human doing not just a human being.

What Makes Us Different?

We follow a method created by our founder and CEO, Craig Iott,

called "The Circle of Personal Development."

"The Circle of Personal Development"

includes exploring six different areas of your life and determining whats important.

  • Personality & Strengths

  • Career & Purpose

  • Financial Victory

  • Relationships

  • Leadership

  • Emotional Health

What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching is working with a wise professional who helps you

progress in various areas of your life. Similar to a fitness coach, life

coaches can help you reach personal, emotional, and relational goals.

What is Career Coaching?

Career coaching is similar to life coaching except with a focus on your career. You can use

a career coach to help you advance in your current position, help you get a job, or even transition

into a whole new industry. Career coaches help you attain your career goals.

"Craig is my first ever life coach, and he’s beyond amazing. I can sincerely say he’s changed my life, I’ve been more consistent, motivated, and less stressed than ever. A really good guy, who no matter my problems has amazing advice and actionable steps for me to take. I would 10/10 recommend him to everyone!!"

Angelia M.

We help people like you get the career you want.

"Craig has been a tremendous resource over the past few months. I walk away from each call feeling enlightened and clearer on whatever topic we were discussing. Craig offers very insightful perspectives or at times is just a great listener. Having someone like Craig in your corner is a must for personal development."

Peter R.

"I was instantly impressed with Craig and his professionalism. I was able to gain more perspective and insight working with him in a few sessions than I did in a few years of therapy. He really takes his time to get to know you and can pinpoint behaviors that are not serving you in your life.

Craig is super positive and helps you recognize your strengths! He instantly makes me feel at ease no matter what I'm discussing with him. I feel like since we started working together it has enhanced my ability to cope. I feel as though I've gained perspective and I'm able to intentionally make the right decisions for my life. I'm excited to continue my process with him. Craig is truly one-of-a-kind."

Michelle B.

How can a Life/Career Coach help you?


Personality & Strengths

We explore how you are wired to help you identify what you are good at and avoid what you are bad at. We teach you to appreciate the differences between your strengths and weaknesses. We work with you to identify what energizes you, what drains you, and how do you communicate at your best. We analyze what perpetuates change in your life, develop a growth path, identify the disintegrate path, and help you find a career in something you are made for.


Career & Purpose

What drives your purpose? What makes you mad, sad, and glad? We help you to identify your greens (life-giving), yellows (draining yet sustainable), and reds (life-taking) in your current situation. We squash the career lies society has pushed on us. You don't have to do what you're bad at just because society says so. You can make money doing what you enjoy. No, not everyone should strive to become a CEO. And you don't need to go to an expensive college to make connections and network with rich people.


Financial Victory

You can only make what you believe you are worth. We help you find your worth, teach you about money and help you create a budget that will lead to financial victory. Your budget will tell you where your money is going every single month, adapt for fluctuation and help you move forward. Once you have this down it will be less stress, guaranteed.

We help people like you get the career you want.


We look at your "circle of seven." These seven people are the ones you spend most of your time with. We teach you to organize your life in such a way that you give the people you want on this list more time and the ones you don't, less time. We identify your multipliers, adders, subtractor, and dividers. Multipliers are people who take you further than you can on your own. They can open doors for you and have connections with people and opportunities. Adders are people who bring value to your life. They are a healthy, positive relationship and they are going to be there for you when you need them. Subtractors are people you invest in but get nothing back from. They are the people that only take and have nothing to give. A subtractor makes you feel irritated, frustrated, and like you've wasted your time. Dividers are people who can destroy your life. These are your toxic relationships and if you allow them to make decisions for your life will cause chaos.


Great leaders must always learn to lead themselves first. Many people struggle with time management. Time management has nothing to do with telling people no and everything to do with defining your yes. Your life is doing exactly what it's organized to do. If you don't like your results then organize them differently. It's okay to be less successful in less important things. Being a leader means doing what you must, it means doing the thing even if it makes you uncomfortable. Learning means making a decision, the best decision, for everyone even if it's not the most comfortable. Learn to live in the comfortably uncomfortable because that's where the most rewarding growth happens.

The higher your pain tolerance the more dysfunctional you are.

Emotional Health

Emotional pain tolerance and emotional health are related. Pain can be your best friend when it's used for its intended purpose. Normally, we don't see change until it hurts too much to stay the same. We will subconsciously keep creating pain in an attempt to get us to look at what is wrong and how to deal with it.

Often emotional pain comes from brokenness or emotional dysfunctions that haven't been healthy with. The path of healing can only start when we look at what's wrong and begin to address it. Tell yourself enough is enough today and let us help you obtain emotional health as you've never had before.

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