Helping Established Businesses Get from Good to Great.

We get results.

That's what we do best, and that’s how you can differentiate yourself in your industry with our services!

A business owner should always know their strengths - but sometimes it takes a little help from someone else to see them shine bright like never before. We'll work with you in all aspects of running an efficient business for maximum profitability.

What is Business Consulting?

Business consulting is a comprehensive service that can help a business achieve its goals.

Business consulting can provide businesses with the tools they need to succeed.

What is a Business Consultant?

Business consultants have the knowledge and experience to help businesses grow in a variety of areas.

By using a business consultant, businesses can save time ad money while getting the most out of their


What Makes Us Unique?

We follow a method developed by our founder and CEO, Craig Iott, called, "The Circle of Business

Development." This method is a sure-fire way to get your company from good to great.

The Circle of Business Development

focus on 7 different areas:

  • Vision/Mission

  • Service/Product Development

  • Audience Clarification

  • Pricing/Profitability

  • Customer Acquisition

  • Customer Retention

  • Scaling the Business

We work with executive-level owners and

managers to develop the oversight of tasks,

duties, and processes.

In addition to The Circle of Business Development,

we dive in deep to get your organization to shine.

Story Brand

You may already have your vision and mission statement created. We help established businesses reconnect to their why and help them create their story brand. We need to construct a narrative that people would like to be a part of both as customers and well as employees. A compelling narrative gives the why behind the business.


Culture is the manner of behavior during the execution of the vision and mission statement. How do you treat each other as employees? How do you treat your customers? We help businesses rediscover the "why are you still doing this." Employees resent working for someone who doesn't know why they are there.

We Will Keep You Accountable


The Narrative Void

This is one of the most dangerous places for your organization to be. The narrative void is the opposite of having a clear vision. There is no clear story and no reason to keep going. In a narrative void, your employees will create their own narrative within the context of your company. They give themselves reasons to be there (maybe to get rich, maybe to have a daily income, maybe to be with their friends). Often, the negative void is what leads to negative work culture. If you're not pushing the vision upward then who is?


Forward Dreaming

Where do you want your business to be? Where do you want it to go? Carrying a vision by yourself can become lonely because it's not meant to be alone. Sometimes you need a partner (not a work partner) to help carry that vision from inside your company to outside your company. Your business consultant is your ally. They will keep you accountable for your vision and remind you about what you said you cared about


Everything Has to Line Up

Your products and services should line up with the company vision. The way you do your services or products should like up with the vision also. Your products and services should come from something you care about and are passionate about. So, stop saying yes to everything else that's not a part of what you do. Even if it sounds like a good idea or opportunity the vision says its not the right opportunity.


Marketing To Your Audience

Does the marketing line up with who you're aiming to reach? Can the audience you are looking to serve afford what you are selling? Are they the customer base you want to continually work with? Your audience can change based on how your business adapts and develops over time. We work with companies to reevaluate their audience and to use organic and paid marketing strategies. Organic marketing is when you are using unpaid mediums to advertise your brand and products/services. Paid Marketing falls pretty closely in line with organic marketing + money. We assist with both and our sister company All Solutions Digital Marketing can handle all of your paid marketing needs.


Customer Aqusition & Retention

You want to be able to give your customers a defect-free product delivered on time and done in a personalized and individualized way. Having a high level of consistency and continuity on the quality or the quantity of the service or product you’re providing is a must! Building a strong team is the best thing you can do for client acquisition and retention. Do you have a champion of your business? Does one employee shine brighter than the others? Are you struggling to identify who your champions are? Champions love their job, love what they do, spread the word and recruit other hard workers because they love being part of your organization. Champion employees bring your repeat and loyal customers. We teach business owners how to use two metrics to aid in customer acquisition and retention, employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction.



Growth normally comes at a high cost because your organization now has new fulfilling requirements, needs a larger facility, or is producing at a higher volume. You hit different ceilings whenever your setting pricing and it can be a struggle to make it efficient and get more products to move quickly. Raising the ticket price is pretty standard when providing a high-quality product or service. Push through those ceilings before you get to a spot where you have the space, the labor, the infrastructure to carry you to the multiplication of units as opposed to additional units. Then the price can drop.

Business Consulting

"Craig is my first ever life coach, and he’s beyond amazing. I can sincerely say he’s changed my life, I’ve been more consistent, motivated, and less stressed than ever. A really good guy, who no matter my problems has amazing advice and actionable steps for me to take. I would 10/10 recommend him to everyone!!"

Nicole Toudouze - CEO of Transcendental

We help people like you get the career you want.

In my time working with Craig as a dental industry professional, my income went up 150% my first year and is currently tracking at 35% over last year…all with ease. He helped me determine what my priorities were, dial in on those priorities and create actionable plans to fulfill on them. He comes to each session with both equal measures of emotional and mental guidance as well as clear strategy. He helps simplify my complicated views on matters and restores confidence when faced with challenges. What originally had me choose Craig over other coaches in the dental space was my immediate sense of him “getting me” — seeing both how I was showing up in the world and what I craved to create. He saw that immediately and didn’t try to turn me into something I’m not. Rather, he honed in on my gifts and talents and helped me tend to those, resulting in success and profit aligned with my values and style. He has a gift and I’m grateful to be partnered with him.

Brandi Marzolino

I have enjoyed working with Craig for the last 6 months & look forward to a long term professional relationship with him & his team. He has been a big encouragement & valuable asset as we continue to grow our 3 businesses with his direction & insightfulness. Highly recommend!!

Darren Chupp - CEO and Owner of Chupp Industrial, Covermore Shelters, and Lift Bros

"Every good idea has a shelf life"

- Andy Stanley

Do You Have A Scalable Business?

Scaling means finding a way to created products, systems, pricing, personnel management, etc. so that making money isn't only dependent only on you. Every business has a bottleneck - at what point is the business not scalable? For some, it's price, the way you acquire customers, the processes you have in place, or your marketing. There is some part of your business that's got you bottlenecked and it keeps you from being able to expand and grow to your companies potential.

We can help you get out of the Idea Matrix. The Idea Matrix is like a bell curve on your growth chart. Are your ascending to the top ideas and new concepts are generated. People are excited, the energy is high, each failure is overcome by triumph. As you reach the top of the bell curve you realize your ideas are working. Your ideas are a success and you start making money, a lot of money. This is usually the point where, when there is a dip, we resort to the old ideas that got us there and don't look for new ideas to keep us at the peak of the bell curve. Many business owners fall into this ravine where their growth starts to descend. We help businesses get out of the Idea Matrix and implement systems with steady and consistent growth.

"Your Business will do exactly what it is organized to do. If you want a different result, you must organize it differently."

- Craig Iott

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